Start Smiling | Best Dentists Essex
Iman started her journey at Start-Smiling as she felt embarrassed with her smile and wanted to gain more confidence when socialising. She told us that although her teeth were healthy and relatively straight, she felt that they were uneven in her smile, and they looked chipped and unbalanced.

At just 24-years old, Iman didn’t want to have her teeth drilled down and was shocked by the stories of people travelling abroad to have cheap and quick-fix dental treatments. The horrific consequences that generally follow these cheap smile makeover treatments really worried her, and quite rightly, she did not want this for her teeth!
We showed her how we can use alternative and minimally invasive techniques of simply adding thin layers of white filling material to her teeth to enhance and better balance their shape. This technique, known as SmileFast, allowed us to firstly demonstrate what her new smile would look like by a process called a ‘trial smile’.

This is where we use a mould of her ‘perfect’ teeth to transfer onto her own teeth so she can see what her new smile will look like in real life.
Iman was ecstatic with the transformation and so went ahead with the full SmileFast process a few weeks later. We whitened her teeth first and then used white filling material with the specially designed SmileFast process to give her the perfect smile.

The whole procedure only took 90 minutes to complete and there was no drilling to her natural teeth at all. You can follow the whole journey Iman took by watching the video and seeing for yourselves how life-changing a SmileFast smile can be.